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Brazilian Duck ( Amazonetta brasiliensis )

Physical appearance: 40 cm. The feet are red and webbed. The chest is brown, as well as the face that is a bit darker. There is a patch of iridescent feathers in the wings. When flying it shows a large white spot at the back of the wing. The male has a red beak and the femaleâs is blue. The Female also has white spots on the face. Distribution: From Venezuela to Argentina. Habitat: Wetlands, lakes, ponds and rivers even in polluted places. Diet: Feeds on seeds, leaves and small invertebrates. The hatchlings are goot at catching insects. Reproduction: Lays up to 14 bluish or greenish eggs. When the adult realizes the presence of a potential predator it distracts its attenti...

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Siparuna brasiliensis (Spreng.) A. DC.

Nome popular: erva-de-limÃo.

Ãrvore atà 6m; extremidade dos ramos achatada, estriada, nigrescente no material seco, tricomas estrelados, odor de limÃo; folha simples, oposta, sem estÃpula, pecÃolo estriado, (2,5-)5 X 0,2cm, tricomas estrelados, lÃmina oboval-elÃptica a oboval, Ãpice abruptamente agudo, base cuneada a truncada, Ãs vezes levemente cordada, 16-19 X 8-10,5cm, margem denticulada, glandular-ciliada, membranÃcea a subcartÃcea, venaÃÃo camptÃdroma, 8 pares de nervuras secundÃrias, venaÃÃo terciÃria paralela, conspÃcuas na face abaxial, tricomas estrelados, esparsos nas duas faces, pontuaÃÃes amareladas, opacas, di...

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Hymenaea courbaril L. var. altissima (Ducke) Y.T. Lee & Langenh.

Nome popular: jatobÃ.

Ãrvore atà 18m; extremidade dos ramos cilÃndrica, glabra, rugosa, estriada, acizentada no material seco, lenticelas diminutas, numerosas, visÃveis com auxÃlio de lupa; folha composta, alterna, espiralada, paripinada, estÃpula caduca, pecÃolo estriado, 1,5 X 0,2cm, glabro, peciÃlulo estriado, 0,2 X 0,1cm, glabro, folÃolos 1 par, opostos, lÃmina assimÃtrica, em geral falcada, elÃptica a oval, Ãpice acuminado, base aguda a truncada, assimÃtrica, 6,5 X 2,5-3,5cm, margem inteira, cartÃcea a sub-coriÃcea, venaÃÃo camptÃdroma, 6-8 pares de nervuras secundÃrias, conspÃcuas, discolores, venaÃÃo...

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Black Bellied Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis)

48 cm. The face is grey, the chest cinnamon and the belly black. There is a large white spot in the wings, more evident when flying. The beak and feet are red. Males and females are similar. The immature is grayish brown Distribution: From Texas (U.S.A) to Bolivia and Argentina. Habitat: Lives in lakes, rivers, wetlands and even in mangroves. Diet: Feeds on leaves, small seeds and aquatic invertebrates. Reproduction: The nest is built on the ground or hollow trees. The eggs are white, sometimes greenish or bluish. More than one female may lay eggs in the same nest and sometimes may even lay eggs in other speciesâs nests such as the white faced whistling duck (Dendrocygna viduata...

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Fulvous Tree-Duck ( Dendrocygna bicolor )

48cm Identification: the body is mostly cinnamon with dark streaks on the wings. It may be locally the commonest duck, especially in Southern Brazil wetlands, where its hunting is allowed provided the stateâs quotas are respected. Regarding its habitat this species tends occur in open wetlands, surrounded by grasslands. Feeds mainly by grazing small grasses on the lake shores or underwater but also eats aquatic plants, aquatic insects and small fish. It may build the nest either in a tree hole or on the aquatic plants. The female lays from 8 to 14 eggs that are sat for about one month. The offspring start to fly within 55 days after hatching.

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White Faced Whistling Duck ( Dendrocygna viduata )

41,5 cm. Medium size. The feet are webbed. Has a distinctive white mask. The chest and the belly are streaked with cinnamon. The wings are broad and black. The female is slightly larger than the male. Distribution: Tropical South America and Africa. Habitat: Wetlands, lakes, ponds, mostly in shallow water. Diet: It eats buds, seeds, insect larvae, crustaceans and worms. Food is filtered by its specialized beak Reproduction: Builds a nest on the ground in a hidden place. 8 to 14 eggs are laid and incubated by the couple for 27 to 30 days. Male and female take care of the brood. Natural history: Its vocalization is very typical. It is more active at twilight or at night, resting ...

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Green-backed, Striated or Little Heron ( Butorides striata (triatus) )

Physical appearance: 36 cm. The legs are short and yellow. The body is predominantly grey, darker in the back. The top of the head is black. The immature is striated and brownish. Distribution: American Continent, Africa, Asia, Australia and islands in the Pacific. Habitat: Rivers, lakes and mangroves of different sizes. Diet: Aquatic insects, mollusks, amphibians, reptiles and fish. Reproduction: The nest is a platform on the top of tall trees. Lays three eggs. Natural history: Solitary and migratory. There are saw-like structures inside the beak to help holding slippery food. May be eaten by carnivorous fish such as the trahiras (Hoplias sp.) when walking on flooded land....

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Miconia tristis subsp. australis Wurdack

Nome popular: pixirica.

Ãrvore atà 10m; extremidade dos ramos achatada, tricomas estrelados, esparsos; folha simples, oposta, sem estÃpula, pecÃolo canaliculado, 2 X 0,1cm, tricomas estrelados, esparsos, lÃmina elÃptica ou oval-elÃptica, Ãpice longo-acuminado, base cuneada, 11-14 X 6cm, margem denticulada, mucronulada, membranÃcea a subcartÃcea, venaÃÃo acrÃdroma, 1 par de nervuras secundÃrias, conspÃcuas, venaÃÃo terciÃria paralela, conspÃcua, esparso-estrelada, tricomas mais concentrados nas nervuras, domÃcias marsupiformes na base, geralmente presentes.

DistribuiÃÃo: SÃo Paulo, Paranà e...

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Grassland Sparrow ( Ammodramus humeralis )

Physical appearence: 12cm. The upper parts are grayish with black and ferruginous stripes The chest is light brown with spots in the immature. There are yellow ribbons above the eyes and in the wings. The coloration may change when it is dirty due to contact with earth. Distribution: The Grassland Sparrow is found east of the Andes from Colombia to central Argentina but is missing from the Amazon Basin upstream from the TapajÃs river. Habitat: Dry fields with grass, cerrado and crops. Diet: Feeds on grains and small insects. Reproduction: During the breeding season they live in pairs in a territory defended by the male. The nest is opened and placed on the ground. The eggs are ...

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Curl-crested Jay ( Cyanocorax cristatellus )

35cm Similarly to other Brazilian jays, the Curl-crested jay has white lower parts and blue and black upper parts. It may be confused with the Plush-crested jay (Cyanocorax chrysops), but while the last presents the crest in the back of the head, the yellow iris and a blue patch around the eyes, the Curl-crested jay presents the crest on the forehead, the red iris and the head is entirely black. Whereas the Old World ravens are mostly black, as well as the crows, the Brazilan corvids are colorful and most of them have white lower parts. There are 6 species of jays in Brazil, all of them extremely beautiful. The Curl-crested jay is one of Brazilianâs noisiest jays. To make the nois...

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  • Downloads: 452
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Common Waxbill ( Estrilda astrild )

10,5 cm. The beak and a mask around the eye are bright red. The body is light brown, finely streaked. There may be a red region in the belly. As in other species of cage birds there is great color variation. Distribution: Originally in Africa but currently found in many places around the world. In Brazil it may be found in most of the country except from the Amazon region (where it may be found in the suburbs of big cities). Habitat: Open landscapes, fields, crops, gardens and parks. Diet: Seeds and occasionally insects. Reproduction: The nest is built by the couple in shrubs. Its walls are thick and made of grass, feathers and cotton. The entrance is hidden. Sometimes a false n...

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Fork-tailed Hummingbird ( Eupetonema macroura )

15cm Identification: it is one of the largest hummingbirds. It is easily identified by the forked tail, reminding a pair of scissors. Unmistakably Brazilianâs best known hummingbird, this magnificent animal is also one of the most belligerent ones. It fiercely defends its territory â usually consisting of a flowering patch â against other birds, especially the bananaquit ( Coereba flaveola ). It sucks sweet water from feeders even if these are place in the interior of the houses, fearlessly entering the rooms. Like other hummingbirds it feeds mostly on nectar but also on insects. The female lays 2 or 3 eggs in a small bow-shaped nest and feeds the nestlings mainly with arthropo...

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Aplomado Falcon ( Falco femoralis )

35cm Identification: the head is dark with a bege band on the eyebrows and another one on the neck. The throat is white, but unlike Falco rufigularis this ribbon is not extended up to the back of the neck. The chest is light brown with black dots, unlike Falco deiroleucus which presents this region orange. The belly is dark with white spots and there is a red patch near the tail. The tail is dark with three white bars. It is one of Brazilian commonest falcons since it inhabits open landscapes, included those disturbed by men. Feeds on small rodents and birds, reptiles and large insects. Like other falcons these are monogamous birds with fixed breeding grounds. The nest is built o...

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Chalk-browed Mockingbird ( Mimus saturninus )

25 cm. The upper parts are brown, the inferior light brown. There are white wingbars . The supercilium and the edging of the tail are white. Male and female are similar. Distribution: South of Amazon to Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and Bolivia. Habitat: Open areas with some trees or scrubs, cerrado, caatinga (Brazilian scrubland) and urban areas. Diet: Feeds on insects and spiders caught on the ground. Also eats small fruits and seeds. Sometimes prey on other birdâs eggs. Reproduction: The nest is built about 1,5m from the ground on a small tree or scrub. The external part is made of thick branches and the interior of thin roots and grass. It may have up to four broods a year, e...

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Shiny Cowbird ( Molothrus bonariensis )

18,5 cm. The body is gray, slightly blue with the inferior parts lighter. The tail and the tips of the wings are blue, somewhat green. There is a spot of this color in the shoulders. Male and female are similar. Distribution: Mideast Brazil from MaranhÃo to Rio Grande do Sul, also in Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Habitat: Lives on trees, either in open areas, parks or cities. Diet: Feeds on fruits, leaves, buds, nectar including from eucalyptus trees. Also catches flying insects as butterflies and termites. Reproduction: During the breeding season the male exhibits its shoulders to the female. The nest is built by the couple and is a compact ope...

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Buff-necked Ibis ( Theristicus caudatus )

Unmistakably identifiable for being the only Brazilian member of the family to present the white color in its plumage. Belonging to the same family of the legendary Egyptian Ibis, this is certainly an amazing species. Unlike other members of the family it is not associated to water, living in open grasslands and crops where its large silhouette makes it impossible not to be noticed, especially when they gather in groups. It uses its large curved beak to catch invertebrates burried in the soil and may also prey on small vertebrates. Its song is very loud and acute, reminding that of the Seriema ( Cariama cristata ). Couples sing in duets bouncing their heads upwards as they sing. The ...

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Sayaca Tanager

18,5 cm. The body is gray, slightly blue with the inferior parts lighter. The tail and the tips of the wings are blue, somewhat green. There is a spot of this color in the shoulders. Male and female are similar. Distribution: Mideast Brazil from MaranhÃo to Rio Grande do Sul, also in Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Habitat: Lives on trees, either in open areas, parks or cities. Diet: Feeds on fruits, leaves, buds, nectar including from eucalyptus trees. Also catches flying insects as butterflies and termites. Reproduction: During the breeding season the male exhibits its shoulders to the female. The nest is built by the couple and is a compact open ...

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Red-cowled Cardinal ( Paroaria dominicana )

18cm Unlike the Red-crested Cardinal ( Paroaria coronata ) the Red-cowled Cardinal does not have a crest and the absence of black patches on the head and throat distinguishes this from the other Brazilian cardinals. This bird is endemic to the Brazilian Northeastern semi-arid region called ``CaatingaÂÂ where it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful songbirds. Its beaty often costs its freedom as thousands of these birds are captured in the wild to be kept as cage birds. There is large illegal traffic of these birds throughout Brazil and even to other countries. Several specimens, and even established breeding populations have been reported considerably far from its original distr...

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Crested Caracara ( Caracara (Polyborus) plancus )

58 cm in length, 125cm of wingspan. The beak and the claws are weak for a bird of prey. The legs are tall and yellow. The upper parts are black and the chest and throat are white. There is a large white spot in the inferior side near the tip of the wing. The immature is brown and striated. Distribution: From Florida (U.S.A) to Tierra del Fuego. Habitat: Thrives in any open landscape, sometimes urban areas. Diet: It is generalist. Eats either live animals or carrion. Catches insects, snails, worms, lizards, snakes, birds. Follows tractors in crops looking for earthworms.. Sometimes eats fruits, peanuts and beans. Reproduction: Builds a big nest on the top of tall trees. Lays three ...

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Tropical House Wren ( Troglodytes (aedon) musculus )

11,5cm. Identification: there is no other Brazilian species like this bird, at least not in urban and disturbed areas. Formerly all the house wren populations ranging from Canada to Chile were considered as a single species, but after several studies the populations south to Mexico were renamed as the Tropical House Wren (Troglodytes musculus ). This hyperactive bird hops non-stop on the ground in search for the small invertebrates it feeds on, reminding a mouse (musculus = mouse ). It only perches to rest or to sing. Its song is very complex and melodic, like other well known members of the Troglodytidae family. It is famous for the breeding behavior, as this bird may nest in the mos...

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